Display of various screens of the Orcapod platform, including the splash screen, starting a ride, the user's home screen, and a current ride share open
Mobile consumer app


The platform helps facilitate carpooling as a social and financially economic choice. For those who see each other at the same type of events, even out of town, this app has the potential to bring their communities closer together.

Screenshot of spreadsheet file showing user interview responses
Project context

Discovered need from existing hobby

I discovered this need through my experiences carpooling with dancers going to the same weekend events. Event goers often look for drivers within their network, alternatively resorting to ride share apps to get to their events out of town.
This prototype was created as a concept prior to initial research. Shown are the splash page, ride setup, and user home.

Drivers and passengers

Among all participants I interviewed, these archetypes were leaning more towards leveraging ride sharing tools for budget and flexibility purposes.

People you’re riding with can make or break the commute


Keeping a low budget is the main reason to ride share


Flexibility  is important for working around my schedule

To be continued

Roadmap pivoting

This project is still in its early discover phases, and will be further iterated upon once an updated roadmap has been made to accommodate for my latest interview insights. I look forward to reporting in on my progress here!

Photograph of a hand holding a smartphone and showing the Orcapod app splash screen on the phone.
QR code for entry into the facility and court

Silver Audio - remote collaboration